"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"

Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

At Network153, we believe in the fundamentals of the Gospel. While we reach the world through skill-sharing, humanitarianism, professional development and other ministries, we still believe that many in our own communities need to hear the Gospel. 

Trinidad and Tobago is no stranger to loud music in our communities and various religious prayers and festivals being celebrated. However, there is a need to share the Gospel so that all can hear. We strive to do this through various community meetings and open-air services. 

We have engaged many churches and Christian Stakeholders to preach the Word in the community, lead worship and minister to those who need prayer. At every meeting, we deliver the gospel and an altar call, allowing those who are in earshot, to hear what God has in store for them.