"But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."

Hebrews 13:16 (NKJV)

Whether it be a natural disaster, a family living in impoverished conditions or just spreading joy through giving, at Network153 we endeavor to be the light through humanitarianism. We cannot turn a blind eye to the vulnerable members of our community. In Trinidad and Tobago, close to 5% of the population are vulnerable to multidimensional poverty. 

Some of our humanitarian projects so far have included assisting a family with the construction of a house, carrying relief items to the country of St Vincent and the Grenadines in response to Hurricane Beryl, and distributing food hampers to families during the Christmas period. This is just the beginning, as we aim to expand our humanitarian outreach in the near future. 

Just a snapshot of the hampers which were distributed during the Christmas Season in 2023. Many look forward to these simple acts of kindness during the holidays as they struggle to make ends meet in a difficult economy. 

We have been privileged to assist this family who lives in a makeshift house (seen in the background) with the construction of a new home. With help from our network, we were able to purchase the materials and begin working on this project. 

We were also able to take many relief supplies to St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Our supporters greatly contributed to this cause as many livelihoods on the islands were lost. 

We need your support!

As we expand our humanitarian work, your support will be a key factor in executing effective and far-reaching projects. To learn how you can assist, please click on the button below.